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NC Education Lawyer Blog

  • Writer's pictureNeubia Harris

Summertime secrets for school year success

Summer is the perfect time of the year to relax and indulge in some fun activities for everyone, including individuals with disabilities. Parents, guardians, and caregivers can seize the opportunity to utilize the summer break to prepare children to have a productive academic year while also having fun; after all, we are only young once. Here are some activities that parents can engage their disabled children in during the summer to have an excellent school year.

Reading and Writing Activities: Reading and writing are essential academic requirements. Helping your child develop their writing and reading skills during the summer will help them prepare for the academic session ahead. Parents can provide books and materials that interest their children and create time to read and discuss what they've read. Additionally, provide pens, pencils, and journals to encourage creative writing. Parents can take younger children to story time at their local public library. Additionally, weekly trips

to the can be a fun and exciting way for kids of ages to find, check out, and read materials that they are interested in for free!

Exercise and Outdoor Activities: Engaging in regular exercise and outdoor activities is important. Regular exercise helps to improve cognitive functioning, reduce stress, and improve overall health. It is recommendable to choose activities that the child loves, such as swimming, biking, hiking, and walking, as this will make it more fun. Public parks and playgrounds, hiking trials, beaches, and even walks in your neighbor hood provide an opportunity for physical activity and can be educational. For instance, while walking, ask your child to find or identify something appropriate for their age (e.g. colors, trees, birds, etc)

Life Skills Development: Developing life skills such as cooking, sewing, and cleaning are essential. These skills help your child to live an independent life and prepare them for adulthood. It is recommendable to engage your child in simple home chores that make them feel valuable.

Educational Apps and Games: There are many educational apps and games that parents can access to help their children prepare for school. Some of these apps and games are tailored towards the specific needs of children with disabilities. Examples of educational apps include Google Classroom, Dyslexia Quest, Autism iHelp, and many more.

Relaxation Techniques: Coping with stress is a part of everyday life, and everyone, including disabled individuals, must learn how to cope with it. Introduce your child to relaxation techniques such as music, meditation, mindfulness, and deep breathing, which will help with stress and anxiety.

In conclusion, summer is an excellent time to engage children in activities that will prepare them for a successful academic session. It is important to engage in activities that they love and that interests them. Some of the activities that will help prepare them for a good school year include; reading and writing activities, exercise and outdoor activities, life skills development, educational apps and games, and relaxation techniques. Parents, guardians, and caregivers should be creative in their approach, tailor it to their child's specific needs, and make sure it is fun. With these activities, your child will be better equipped to handle the academic, emotional, and physical demands that come with each school year.



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